01625 440694

2nd Floor
The Arsenal
Sutton Mill
Heapy Street
SK11 7JB

Support Us

Help keep ArtSpace open! You can make a one-off donation via the bank details below or join our ‘Friends’ scheme with regular perks. Funds raised keep the space open, enable us to repair equipment and buy new materials all to help someone in your community to find company, confidence and creativity! Visit here to find out more about the impact of our work.

Be a Friend to ArtSpace

For a donation of a few pounds each month, you can join our ‘Friends of ArtSpace’ who help keep us open. They help to secure ArtSpace’s future for the whole community. There are benefits and discounts available for members and you will receive a newsletter every 2 months to see how you are making a difference.

Our recommended amount is £5 per month to support our work, but you can contribute any amount. The easiest way is for members to set up their own standing order via online banking, made payable to:

Macclesfield Community ArtSpace
The Co-operative Bank
Sort Code 08-92-99
Acc No 65625527

Alternatively, you can pick up a form at ArtSpace or email MaccCommArtSpace@mail.com

You could also…

  • Put some change in the pot each time you visit the ArtSpace or one of our community events / workshops
  • Consider volunteering to keep the doors open
  • Pop in to create or come to a regular drop in or class
  • Hire a space for an event


2nd Floor
The Arsenal
Sutton Mill
Heapy Street
SK11 7JB

Opening Times
Monday - 7pm - 9pm -
Tuesday - 10.30am - 7.30pm -
Wednesday - 10.30am - 4.30pm -
Friday - 12.30pm - 4.30pm -
Saturday - 1pm - 3pm - 1st Saturday of the month
Sunday - closed -
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